This blog, run by an independent monitoring group of activists and scholars, documents deportations from Greece to Turkey. Since the EU-Turkey Deal came into force, the necessity to monitor deportations has increased dramatically. Deportation practices are surrounded by secrecy and in many cases neither people who face deportation, their friends or family nor their lawyers are informed. While the blog does not represent an all-encompassing documentation of all deportations from Greece to Turkey, it offers a data breakdown and analysis of deportations, and brings to the fore discrepancies between official information and the actual practices.
In the section Deportation Updates, short tabular overviews of weekly, monthly and yearly deportations from the Greek Islands to Turkey are presented; arriving from our own observation, supplemented with official data provided by state institutions.
The Reports section provides background on the deportation practices and predominately describes individual cases of people facing deportations, focussing on unlawful practices. It also refers to the post-deportation situation of migrants.
In addition to following up individual cases, the section EU-Turkey Deportation Regime offers in-depth analysis and explores the different elements that constitute the EU-Turkey deportation regime, containing reports on deportations, imprisonment, trials and protests. Thereby, information on policies, rules and legislation, as well as institutions such as FRONTEX, EASO, IOM and private companies that facilitate deportations are provided.
In addition to the analytical parts, the section Refugee Support offers different information material giving advise for people who are endangered to be deported. The part Films/Graphics presents further information material including short documentaries.